Lucas Vázquez, a key figure in Real Madrid's dressing room, celebrated his 33rd birthday on July 1st with a renewed sense of purpose and responsibility. Surrounded by his wife Macarena and their three children, Lucas blew out the candles on his birthday cake, marking not just another year of life but also his continued commitment to the club.

Renewed Contract Until 2025

Despite technically being a free agent as of July 1st, Lucas's future with Real Madrid has been secured for another two years. The club has agreed to extend his contract until July 1, 2025, although no official announcement has been made yet. This situation mirrors that of Luka Modric, another stalwart whose contract extension remains unpublicized but confirmed.

"Lucas Vázquez is one of those intangible elements that unify a winning team," said a club insider.

Elevated Leadership Role

With the departure of his close friend Nacho, Lucas has been promoted to the role of third captain, behind Modric and Dani Carvajal. This new responsibility underscores the trust that both Carlo Ancelotti and the club place in his impeccable professionalism.

Stellar Performance and Impact

Lucas continues to impress in physical tests, often leading the group. His performance last season was far from that of a mere substitute. In 1,800 minutes across 38 matches, he contributed three goals and eight assists, averaging a goal involvement every 166 minutes.

Balancing the Squad

As one of the few remaining Spaniards and academy graduates in the first team, Lucas's presence is crucial for meeting UEFA's homegrown player quotas. Alongside Carvajal and Fran García, he helps ensure that Real Madrid avoids penalties for not having enough locally trained players.

Looking Ahead

As Real Madrid embarks on a marathon season chasing seven titles, Lucas Vázquez's role will be more critical than ever. His leadership, experience, and consistent performance will be invaluable assets as the team aims for glory.

Editor: Yana Davydiuk