Dewsbury-Hall's Journey: From Dark Days to Premier League Glory

Kiernan Dewsbury-Hall's path to the Premier League is a testament to unwavering determination and patience. While many players debut in their teens, Dewsbury-Hall's journey was different. This week, he signed a five-year contract with Chelsea, marking another milestone in his career.

Overcoming Physical Challenges and Evolving His Game

Dewsbury-Hall's early years were marked by physical challenges.

"I was probably the smallest lad in the age group and physically wasn’t as developed as everyone else, so it made me have to evolve my game in other ways, in terms of technically and using my brain."

At 15, he stood at just 5ft 3in, but his desire to succeed saw him often battle against bigger opponents. A growth spurt at 17 helped him become a regular for Leicester's Under-23s.

Breakthrough at Leicester and Successful Loan Spells

Despite his talent, Dewsbury-Hall had to wait until he was 21 to make his senior debut and 23 for his first Premier League start. Successful loan spells at Blackpool and Luton Town, along with a relentless off-season fitness regime, helped him become a regular in Leicester's matchday squad by the 2021/22 season.

Rising Under Maresca and Securing Awards

Under coach Enzo Maresca, Dewsbury-Hall's game reached new heights. Last season, he scored 12 goals, recorded 14 assists, and secured both the Supporters’ and Players’ Player of the Year awards as Leicester won the Championship to return to the Premier League.

A New Chapter at Chelsea

Dewsbury-Hall is now ready for a new challenge at Chelsea.

"One of the most important things as a footballer is self-belief and if you don’t have that then you are going to struggle. I have that and I believe I should be at a football club like this and that is why I am so excited to get going."

His competitive streak, honed from playing snooker and darts, will undoubtedly serve him well at Stamford Bridge. Blues fans can look forward to seeing one of the most competitive players in action.

Editor: Vitalina Patskan