In a shocking turn of events, a boxing match in the Dominican Republic descended into chaos as both the fighter and the referee engaged in a physical altercation.

Controversial Stoppage Leads to Mayhem

The super welterweight clash between Angel Cruz and Julio de Jesus Rodriguez was expected to be a thrilling contest. However, in the second round, the bout took a dramatic twist. Cruz landed a powerful right hand that sent Rodriguez to his knees, but the latter quickly got back up.

The referee, deeming Rodriguez unfit to continue, decided to stop the fight and awarded the victory to Cruz. This decision did not sit well with Cruz, who furiously pushed the referee away and then, in an unprecedented move, landed a right hook on the official's head.

Referee's Unthinkable Retaliation

"Casually walking up the referee and punching him is nuts."

Initially, the referee chose not to retaliate. However, the situation escalated when he charged at Cruz and attempted to punch him back. The swing missed, and the referee quickly fled the scene by jumping out of the ring. The entire incident left fans and commentators in disbelief.

Fans React to the Unprecedented Chaos

Boxing fans took to social media to express their shock and dismay. One fan remarked:

"This is one of the craziest boxing clips I’ve seen. Swinging on a ref is near unheard of, the ref swinging back is once in a century."

Another added:

"That was classless."

What This Means for Boxing

This incident has sparked a larger conversation about the conduct of both fighters and officials in the sport. The governing bodies are expected to review the footage and take appropriate action against both Cruz and the referee. This chaotic scene serves as a stark reminder of the importance of maintaining professionalism and composure, even in the heat of competition.

As the dust settles on this extraordinary event, the boxing community will be watching closely to see what measures are put in place to prevent such incidents in the future.

Editor: Yana Davydiuk