The men's volleyball team of Ukraine continues to impress with its achievements on the international stage. Victory in the Golden Euroleague was not only a bright moment for the team, but also an important achievement in a difficult time for the country.

Triumph in the Golden Euroleague

The national team of Ukraine under the leadership of Raul Losano demonstrated real team spirit and professionalism. The head coach emphasized that it was coordinated team actions that became the key to success:

"Over the course of a month, we did a lot of work, worked a lot, trained, developed different options, schemes of playing the game, and so on. And I want to add that the situation that happened before the start of our meetings only united the team."

Key moments of the tournament

One of the most important moments of the tournament was the semi-final match with the Czech national team. The Ukrainian national team was able to turn the tide of the game thanks to successful substitutions and tactical decisions of the coaching staff. Raul Losano noted:

"We worked very hard and tried to work out different game options. Yes, we had to make substitutions, give some rest to the players of the starting lineup and release new volleyball players."

The final match against Croatia was also a real test, but the Ukrainians again showed their character and won.

Preparation for the Candidates' Cup

But the season is not over yet. A new challenge is ahead - the Cup of Challengers in China. This tournament will be a crucial step towards reaching the League of Nations next year. Ukraine occupies a high 14th place in the world ranking, and this gives additional chances for success.

"Currently, a unique situation has arisen for us, that the national team of Ukraine can go to the League of Nations without even winning the Candidates' Cup. Does this somehow affect the preparation for the upcoming tournament? No, of course. We must go to the court in every match and think only about a positive result ."

Changes in the composition

Unfortunately, due to injuries and other circumstances, some key players will not be able to participate in the tournament in China. Instead, the team was joined by promising new volleyball players who have to prove themselves on the international stage.

The first opponent is Chile

Chile will be the first opponent of Ukraine at the Candidates' Cup. The head coach of the team noted that this game will be important, and the team is seriously preparing for it:

"A good, strong team. It's not for nothing that they almost always make it to the Challengers' Cup tournament and dream of getting to the League of Nations. That's why you have to prepare very seriously for the first match of the tournament and try to win."

The Candidates' Cup will be held from July 4 to 7, and the Ukrainian national team has every chance of success. Let's cheer for our volleyball players and hope for new victories!

Editor: Vitalina Patskan