Artem Milevskiy returns to football: a new stage and charitable initiatives

Former Dynamo Kyiv striker Artem Milevskyi announced his return to football after a long period of absence. In an interview, he shared his thoughts and plans for the future.

"The fact that I returned to football is already a big victory for me. I did a lot of work in the winter, I spent a lot of time in the gym..." Milevskyi said.

A new career stage

After several years away from the football field, Milevskii decided to return to the active game. His new club was amateur "Ignis", where he not only trains, but also plays in matches. Artem admits that he can't train just like that, so he plays with the team to keep in shape and get a taste of the game again.

Charitable initiatives

In addition to returning to the field, Milevskyi is actively involved in charity projects. He cooperates with representatives of "Ignis" to support the Armed Forces of Ukraine and involve children in sports. Artem believes that helping the Armed Forces and working with youth is his duty and an important part of his life.

"It's good that I got to know the representatives of Ignis. We are going to do good things - to help the Armed Forces, to involve children. And we will continue to do it," Milevskyi added.

A look into the future

Milevskii's return to football is not only a personal triumph, but also an important signal for many athletes who have found themselves in difficult life situations. His story is an example of how perseverance and faith in one's own strength can help overcome any difficulties.

Artem plans to continue his career at "Ignis" and develop charity projects. He hopes that his example will inspire other athletes to new achievements and help those who need support.

"My return to football is not only about sports. It is about life, about helping others and about believing in one's own strength," Milevsky concluded.

Editor: Yana Davidyuk