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Life alongside a professional footballer is no ordinary journey, and Anastasia Tamazova, wife of Real Madrid's goalkeeper Lunin, has opened up about their unique experience in a recent interview. As the summer transfer window looms, Lunin's future with the Spanish giants remains uncertain, but Tamazova's support for her husband is unwavering.

Life in Spain: A Welcoming Experience

Anastasia shared her appreciation for the time they've spent in Spain, emphasizing the warmth and friendliness of the people. "We love Spain a lot. The people here are very kind, and we feel very welcomed and comfortable," she said. However, she remains open to the possibility of moving if Lunin's career requires it. "If my husband has to leave this country, I will support him and we will go wherever needed. I love traveling, so the idea of moving doesn't scare me."

A Wedding to Remember: Tracksuits and Future Celebrations

Tamazova and Lunin's wedding turned heads as both were dressed in tracksuits, a testament to their unique style and personal preferences. "We had a wonderful wedding. We would do it again. We even plan to celebrate our golden wedding anniversary in tracksuits," Anastasia revealed. The couple is also planning a special celebration for their loved ones on an island, aiming to create a memorable ceremony.

Balancing Football and Family Life

Living with a professional athlete comes with its challenges, but Anastasia has adapted well to the demanding schedule. "For me, it’s not that complicated as I am used to my husband playing almost every three days. But for our child, it’s a bit difficult as he is young and wants to see his dad more often," she admitted. Despite the hectic football calendar, they strive to maintain a normal family life, enjoying time at home and exploring new cuisines. "We love trying different foods and discovering new restaurants. We also enjoy activities like golf."

The Future of Their Son: Following in His Father's Footsteps?

When asked about their son's future, Anastasia expressed mixed feelings. "On one hand, I would like it, but on the other hand, I see how much time and health my husband dedicates to his work. As a mother, I am not sure if I want my son to go through that. However, it is up to him to decide who he wants to be, and we will support him in everything."

Editor: Emiliia Morozova