Loud statement from Prokhazka

UFC fighter Jiri Prohazka is taking a bold step - he is ready to step into the ring again against Alex Pereira and fight for the title of champion. He promises that this time the tactics will be different: "It will not be possible to miss shots. I will show how to adapt to the opponent." Cech knows he needs to change his approach to beat the Brazilian. After the New York battle, where Pereira knocked out Prohazka, Jiri is looking for revenge.

Loyalty or Adventurism?

Prochazka doesn't just want a fight - he is ready to go to Pereira's homeland in Brazil and perform there in two weeks! Is this an act of courage or a coldly calculated move? In an interview with MMA Fighting, Jiri said: "If they give a title fight with Alex in Brazil, I'm ready to take a chance." The UFC is expected to announce the date and venue soon for what is sure to be one of the most anticipated events in the world of martial arts this year.

Editor: Vitalina Patskan