As part of the Karate Combat 47 tournament, a vivid fight took place between two former UFC fighters - Brazilian Rafael Alves and American James Vick. Already at the beginning of the fight, Alves demonstrated his strength and skill, knocking out his opponent with a powerful blow.

Explosive start

Rafael Alves, who was the favorite of this confrontation, did not leave any chance to his opponent. Just one punch - and James Vick was on the ring floor, regaining consciousness for more than five minutes. It was one of those moments that will be remembered for a lifetime.

"It was an incredible moment. I knew I had a chance to win, but I didn't expect it to happen so quickly," Alves commented on his victory.

Statistics and history

In the professional MMA arena, Rafael Alves has an impressive record of 21 wins and 12 losses. His Karate Combat debut took place on February 24, 2024, where he won by unanimous decision. This fight only confirmed his status as one of the best fighters.

For James Vick, this was already the third fight in Karate Combat. He previously lost by unanimous decision, but won last year. His MMA record was 13 wins and 6 losses.

Further prospects

After this victory, Alves has every chance to become one of the main stars of Karate Combat. His aggressive fighting style and impressive technique make him a dangerous opponent for anyone. Meanwhile, for James Vick, this defeat will be an important lesson and he will no doubt do everything possible to get back to the top.

"I'm not going to give up. This defeat only motivates me to work even harder," Vic said after the fight.


Rafael Alves' victory at Karate Combat 47 was a clear confirmation of his skill and will to win. His powerful knockout left an indelible impression on the audience and made his name even more famous in the world of martial arts. Will he be able to maintain his success in the future? Only time will tell.

Editor: Emilia Morozova