Ilya Zabarny refuses to participate in the 2024 Olympics

Priorities of a football player: rest and training

"If I go to the Olympics, I will miss recovery, rest and preparation for the new season. I won't say it's critical, but it's very important, I'll be honest," said Zabarny.

Youth should get a chance

"I believe that guys who don't have a lot of playing practice in clubs should play at the Olympics," Ilya added.

Historical context and group stage

This is the first time that the national football team of Ukraine received the right to perform at the Olympic Games. The tournament will be held from June 24 to July 10 in Paris. At the group stage, the Ukrainians will meet with Iraq, Morocco and Argentina.

Conclusions and forecasts

Ilya Zabarny's refusal to participate in the Olympics opens the door for young players who will be able to gain experience at the international level. The decision also highlights the importance of preparation for the club season, especially in such a competitive league as the English Premier League.

Editor: Yana Davidyuk