Big-League Shake-Up: MLB Dumps Peacock for New Deals 🍿

It's farewell to feathers as Major League Baseball cuts ties with Peacock — yep, you heard it right! The early bird Sunday morning broadcasts are set to fly the coop to a yet-to-be-revealed platform. MLB and Peacock had a good run, but cash talks louder than tweets in the broadcast biz. The word on the street is that NBC, aka the Peacock's big boss, tried to play hardball with a lower fee offer, but MLB was swinging for the fences with someone else's wallet.

"Our time with Peacock was cool and all, but the game's always changing,” quipped an MLB spokesperson. With a juicy $30 million a year at stake for just nineteen games, the deal turned sour, and the league is now scouting for a richer spot to nest its content. And before you wonder, no, this doesn't affect Apple TV+'s Friday night lights — that sweet $85 million-a-year gig is locked down through 2029. So, stay tuned, sports fans, as MLB pitches its Sunday specials to a whole new field!

Editor: Vitalina Patskan