The Polish national team is off to a brilliant start in the Volleyball Nations League

"Polish volleyball players won all three matches with a total difference of 9-1"

The Men's Volleyball Nations League kicked off with impressive matches in Antalya, Turkey and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Already after the first round, several teams can be singled out, which demonstrate an unsurpassed form.

Poland: Champions of Europe at the height

The reigning European champions, the Polish national team, showed that their title was no accident. They played three matches and won all of them without losing a single game. The last match against the Netherlands was a real test for Polish volleyball players. The first game ended with a score of 30:28, which shows the intensity of the struggle. The second game was also difficult, but Poland managed to win with a score of 25:23. And only in the third game, the Poles confidently took the upper hand 25:18.

Japan: Three wins with little effort

Japan also started the tournament with three wins. However, in the third match against Cuba, they lost the first point, winning only in a tiebreaker with a score of 22:20. It shows that the Japanese may face difficulties in the following matches, but their fighting spirit deserves respect.

Slovenia and Italy: Undefeated so far

Slovenia is also showing a good performance with two wins and 5 points. They beat the Netherlands 3:2 and France 3:1. The Italians, who played only one match, won against Germany with a score of 3:0.

Other results of the first round

Several more interesting matches took place in Antalya, Turkey. Slovenia defeated France 3:1, and Canada lost to Poland 1:3. Turkey lost to the Netherlands 2:3, and Bulgaria lost to Canada 0:3. The USA confidently beat France with a score of 3:0.

In Rio de Janeiro, Cuba defeated Germany 3:1, and Japan convincingly won in Serbia 3:0. Argentina and Brazil presented the audience with an exciting match, which ended with the victory of the Brazilians 3:2.

Results and forecasts

The first round of the Volleyball Nations League showed that the competition will be intense and unpredictable. Poland shows stability and strength, but Japan, Slovenia and Italy are also ready to fight for the top spots. The next matches promise to be no less exciting, and we look forward to new volleyball battles.

Editor: Yana Davidyuk