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Dejan Vinčić Returns to OK Salonit Anhovo After 16 Years

Dejan Vinčić, one of Slovenia’s most accomplished volleyball players, is making a triumphant return to OK Salonit Anhovo after an astounding 16-year hiatus. This move is not just a homecoming but a strategic play that could potentially reshape the landscape of Slovenian volleyball.

A Legacy of Excellence

Vinčić’s illustrious career is decorated with numerous accolades from both Slovenian and international clubs. His return is a beacon of hope for OK Salonit Anhovo, signaling their ambition to reclaim the top spot in the national championship. Settling in Nova Gorica, where he organizes a popular annual volleyball camp, Vinčić has established deep connections in the Goriška and Primorska regions.

The Strategic Move Back to Kanal

The decision to return to Kanal and join OK Salonit Anhovo is a testament to the club’s determination to rise again. Hinko Horjup, the club director, expressed immense pride in welcoming Vinčić back.

"Having Dejan on our team is a monumental step towards achieving our goals," said Horjup.

Vinčić, too, shared his enthusiasm and commitment to helping the club reach its deserved pinnacle.

Impact on Slovenian Volleyball

Vinčić's return is more than just a player joining a team; it’s a significant event for Slovenian volleyball. His presence is expected to elevate the level of play and inspire younger athletes in the region. The ripple effect of his return could lead to a resurgence of interest and investment in the sport across Slovenia.

Looking Ahead

As OK Salonit Anhovo gears up for the upcoming season, all eyes will be on Vinčić and his ability to steer the team to victory. The stakes are high, but with Vinčić’s experience and leadership, the club is poised to make a significant impact.

Editor: Emiliia Morozova