No More Testing, Just Racing!

Mother Nature threw a curveball and IndyCar's test day got soaked! This means no more chances for teams to fine-tune their cars at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway before the big race. They'll have to pack up and head to Long Beach instead; racing against time, just like on the track.

Speed Demons Unleashed

Even with the weather playing spoil-sport, the drivers didn't hold back. Josef Newgarden blasted through with a speed that could make the rain evaporate, leading the pack at a blistering 228.811 mph. And Kyle Larson? The man's on fire, stepping on the gas to bag the second spot. Scott Dixon's right on their tail though, keeping things heated.

Full Throttle Ahead

Mark your calendars—the Speedway's gates won't swing open again until May 10. Eyes on the prize, as the teams hit the road course for the Sonsio Grand Prix coming up next, and it's only a pit-stop away from the starting line of the 108th Indy 500. Get ready to catch all the high-speed action on NBC and ride along for the thrill of the chase. Stay tuned on Statbet for more adrenaline-pumping updates!

Editor: Emilia Morozova