Levi Colwill's journey over the past year has been nothing short of remarkable. From making his debut for Chelsea's senior team to scoring his first Premier League goal, the 21-year-old defender has quickly become a key player for the Blues.

From Academy to Senior Squad: A Year of Milestones

Colwill spent many years honing his skills in Chelsea's Academy, but it was only last year that he made the leap to the senior squad. His transition was seamless, thanks in part to a successful loan spell at Brighton. Since then, he has made 32 appearances for Chelsea, playing both as a centre-back and in a new role at left-back.

Scoring His First Premier League Goal

One of the standout moments of Colwill's season was scoring his first Premier League goal in a thrilling 3-2 victory over Brighton at Stamford Bridge. This milestone was a testament to his hard work and adaptability on the pitch.

International Success and Personal Growth

Colwill's achievements aren't limited to club football. He played a pivotal role in England's triumph at the European Under-21 Championship, an experience he describes as one of the best of his life.

"Winning the European Under-21 Championship was amazing, it was one of the best things I've ever done in my life. Just being there with the boys was so good."

His success continued as he made his debut for the England senior team, a moment he still finds hard to believe.

"Then to make my England debut, I still don't really believe it. I still don't feel like it actually came true."

Challenges and Learning Experiences

The past year hasn't been without its challenges. Colwill had to adapt to playing in a different position for half the season, a task he found tough but ultimately rewarding.

"I've had ups and downs. I struggled as I played in a different position for half the season. That was really tough, but I learned so much from it."

Looking Ahead: Pre-Season Tour in the USA

As Chelsea prepares for their pre-season tour in the USA, Colwill reflects on the importance of these tours in helping him settle into the team. He is particularly excited about the upcoming match against Celtic at Notre Dame Stadium.

"I think the games we've got lined up are really exciting games and they're going to prepare us perfectly for the season coming up. I’m looking forward to playing Celtic, it will be a good game."

Fans can join Colwill and the Blues on their USA tour, with tickets still available for matches against Wrexham, Celtic, Club America, Manchester City, and Real Madrid.

Editor: Emiliia Morozova