Teen Prodigy to Mets Hero: Dwight Gooden's Journey

In '84, a 19-year-old kid named Dwight Gooden stepped onto the mound and left mouths wide open. With strikeouts tallying 276, this young gun showed the vets how it’s done, delivering a season so epic, it’s still talked about today.

1985: The Year Gooden Owned The Game

Fast forward a year, and you've got Gooden crafting what's arguably one of baseball's finest seasons ever. With a jaw-dropping 24-4 record and a microscopic 1.54 ERA, he wasn't just playing; he was rewriting history.

The Rival Batters' Confession

Ask any hitter who faced Gooden during that time, and you'll hear tales of the blazing fastball and the knee-buckling curveball. Foes on the field, they couldn't help but tip their caps to the way this kid dominated the game, leaving a mark that would last forever.

Comparisons to Nolan Ryan

When players liken you to Nolan Ryan, you know you’re special. Gooden had that fastball-curveball duo down pat, sending batters back to the dugout with nothing but awe and a little bit of envy.

Calm Under Pressure

Cool as a cucumber, Gooden took the pressure like a walk in the park. He could be up by a mile or trailing behind, but you wouldn't know it by his poker face.

This Sunday, the Mets retire No. 16, a fitting salute to a pitcher whose arm was a marvel and whose seasons became the stuff of legends. So, get your popcorn ready and witness the retirement of a jersey that not only rode the winds of greatness but became a standard for future generations. Editor: Vitalina Patskan