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Scotland's Euro 2024 campaign started disastrously with a 5-1 defeat against Germany. The squad now faces a daunting task to advance past the group stages for the first time in their history.

A Rough Start in Munich

The match against Germany was a nightmare from the first whistle. Scotland was overwhelmed in every aspect of the game, and the early red card for Ryan Porteous only compounded their woes. Despite the tough opposition, the manner of the defeat has raised serious concerns.

Defensive Woes

Scotland's defensive frailties were laid bare in Munich. The team has conceded 26 goals since the start of the qualification campaign, a stark contrast to their early form where they kept four clean sheets in their first five games. Steve Clarke must find a way to shore up the defense, especially with Porteous suspended for the next match.

Clarke's Challenge

Addressing the media, Clarke acknowledged the need to move past the Germany game and focus on the upcoming fixtures against Switzerland and Hungary.

"We've let ourselves down, but we must look forward and correct our mistakes," Clarke emphasized.

History Repeating?

The situation is reminiscent of the last Euros when Scotland lost their opener to the Czech Republic but managed a gutsy draw against England at Wembley. Clarke will need to summon the same boldness and tactical acumen to keep their hopes alive.

The Path Ahead

Scotland's next challenge is against Switzerland, a match that could define their campaign. Callum McGregor noted that Switzerland and Hungary would "smell blood" after the Germany thrashing. The team must rediscover their early qualification form to stand a chance.

Climbing the Mountain

The players took some downtime to visit Zugspitze, Germany's highest mountain. As they prepare for Switzerland, they face a metaphorical mountain climb in football terms. But with determination and a bit of luck, they can still make history.

Editor: Emiliia Morozova