Whittaker showed his class in the main event of the night at UFC on ABC 6 in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. The fight was scheduled for five rounds, but ended at the beginning of the first five minutes.

Beginning and quick ending

From the very start of the fight, the Australian Robert Whittaker took the initiative into his own hands. He shook the Russian Ikram Aliskerov with a powerful right hand, forcing him to retreat to the net. Whittaker did not lose the opportunity and went to finish. Near the net, Aliskerov missed a strong uppercut that finally disoriented him. After that, the referee had to stop the fight, announcing Whittaker's victory by technical knockout.

Historical context and statistics

This victory was Robert Whittaker's 26th in his professional career. Whittaker, known for his aggressive fighting style, once again confirmed his status as one of the most dangerous middleweight fighters. For Ikram Aliskerov, this defeat was only the second in his career, which further emphasizes Whittaker's skill.

"It was a tough fight, but I was ready for whatever happened. My coaching staff did a great job and we were able to execute our plan 100%," Whittaker said after the fight.

Further prospects

The victory over Aliskerov opens new opportunities for Whittaker to fight with top opponents. Whittaker has made no secret of his ambitions to regain the middleweight title. Given his recent performances, these ambitions seem quite realistic.

"I'm ready for new challenges. I want to fight with the best and prove that I'm worthy of being a champion," added Whittaker.

The incident with Arman Tsarukyan

Earlier it was reported that the Russian UFC fighter Arman Tsarukyan lashed out at a fan who showed him the middle finger. The incident became another hot topic in the UFC world, drawing attention to the behavior of fighters outside the Octagon.

This development highlights the tension and emotions that accompany sports competitions at the highest level. Martial arts have always been an arena for the manifestation of not only physical strength, but also psychological stability.

Conclusions and forecasts

Whittaker's victory over Aliskerov once again confirms his status as one of the best middleweight fighters. His technique, strength and strategic thinking make him a serious contender for the championship title. As for Aliskerov, he will certainly draw conclusions from this defeat and come back even stronger.

Whittaker's upcoming fights will be extremely interesting for UFC fans as he continues his journey back to the top. Can he become champion again? Time will tell, but one thing is certain: this fighter has not yet said his last word.

Editor: Yana Davidyuk