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Italian volleyball sensation Ivan Zaytsev is taking a daring step in his career by transitioning to professional beach volleyball. Teaming up with fellow Olympic medalist Daniele Lupo, Zaytsev is set to explore new horizons on the sandy courts. This dynamic duo has been training under the legendary coach Marco Solustri for the past 20 days, preparing for their debut at the Italian domestic tour in Caorle this weekend.

A New Chapter in Zaytsev's Career

The 35-year-old Zaytsev expressed his enthusiasm at a recent press conference:

"I’m excited and confident that we can achieve great things. We all share the same desire to work hard and have success."

Zaytsev and Lupo, who both clinched silver medals at the Rio 2016 Olympics in volleyball and beach volleyball respectively, are set to see where their collaboration takes them. They have already applied for a wild card for the European Championship in the Netherlands this August.

The Journey Begins

Zaytsev's transition to beach volleyball is not entirely new. Between 2008 and 2009, he participated in seven international tournaments, even securing a silver medal in an FIVB World Tour Challenge event in Chennai, India. His return to the sand is a calculated move, as he continues to evaluate offers for indoor volleyball for the upcoming seasons.

Lupo's Rebirth

For Lupo, this partnership signifies a fresh start after a challenging phase in his career. He recently ended his partnership with Enrico Rossi and missed the Olympics this year. Lupo shared his optimism:

"After a particularly difficult period in my career, I feel that this is like a rebirth. It has reignited the fire inside me."

What’s Next?

As Zaytsev and Lupo embark on this new journey, they are focused on building their synergy and reaching the highest international level. Their immediate goal is to gauge their performance in the Italian tour and identify areas for improvement. With Zaytsev’s versatility and Lupo’s experience, the volleyball community eagerly anticipates their progress.

The next few months will be crucial for this promising duo as they strive to make a mark in beach volleyball while keeping their options open for indoor play. Stay tuned as we follow their exciting journey.

Editor: Emiliia Morozova