The Super League season is over, and BC "Rivne" defender Elijah Joyner summed up his second campaign in Ukraine. In his Instagram, the player shared his emotions and thoughts about this year's achievements.

Elijah Joyner: "It's been an incredible season!"

"Second year... It's amazing! So much growth and peace has been achieved this season. I've been lucky to have wonderful teammates and make lifelong friends. The best times are yet to come. Thank you BC Rivne," Joyner wrote.

The best legionnaire of the season

This year, Elijah Joyner became the best player of the Super League season. His statistics are impressive: he averaged 15.4 points, 5.0 rebounds and 5.8 assists per game. These indicators have become key to the team's success.

Team spirit and new friends

Joyner emphasized that one of the main aspects that made this season so special was the team spirit and support of his teammates. "We became a real family. Each of us played not only for ourselves, but also for the team, for the city, for our fans," he said.

A look into the future

The player is sure that the best moments are still ahead. "We have the potential for even greater achievements. We will work on ourselves, improve and become even stronger," Joyner added.

Analytics of the season

The season was intense and eventful. The BC Rivne team showed its strength and ability to fight to the last. An important role in this process was played by Elijah Joyner, who became a real leader on the court.

Comparison with other teams

Compared to other teams, BC "Rivne" demonstrated a high level of play and tactical preparation. Thanks to the concerted work and skill of Joyner, the team was able to achieve significant success.

Historical context

This season was significant not only for Joyner, but also for the entire club. For the first time in recent years, the team was able to reach a new level and show itself as one of the main contenders for victory in the Super League.

Conclusions and forecasts

In conclusion, it can be said that the Super League season was successful for Elijah Joyner and his team. They were able to achieve significant success and lay the foundation for future victories. With players like Joyner, BC Rivne has every chance to become one of the strongest teams in the league.

Editor: Yana Davidyuk