Derrick Henry's No Regrets: Ravens Over Cowboys All the Way!

Derrick Henry says 'bye-bye' to the Cowboys' silence during the free agency frenzy! The running back sensation made headlines, but he's setting the record straight: Baltimore was the spot from the start, even if Dallas had shot their shot.

"For the record, Baltimore was always my No. 1 option," Henry boldly declared on The Jim Rome Show. Dallas was merely a hometown curiosity for him during his free-agent days—a 'what if' scenario.

Henry's heart was set on the Ravens, and he admits trade discussions nearly made it happen before. Once free agency kicked in, there was uncertainty. But a $16 million contract sprinkled with up to $4 million in sweet, sweet incentives sealed the deal in favor of Baltimore's gritty gridiron. He's all smiles about landing where he prayed to be—even thanking Dallas for... well, not reaching out.

A Dynamic Duo: Henry and Jackson in the Ravens' Backfield

Get ready for the ride, NFL fans: expect fireworks with Henry and Lamar Jackson tearing up the turf! Their combined strength promises a ground and pound nightmare for any defense daring to step up. And with Jackson’s arm reaching new heights, Baltimore's offense is shaping up to be one of the must-watch paint-your-face-purple-and-black stories for 2024.

Keeping tabs on Henry's integration into the team's spirit and playbook will be the talk of the town when training camps kick off. Will the Titans' loss be the Ravens' gain? Only time—and touchdowns—will tell.