The striker of the French national team, Kylian Mbappe, shared his feelings about playing in a protective mask. It was a real test, admitted the footballer, who recently returned to the field after an injury.

Entering the field in new conditions

Mbappe said that wearing a protective mask during the game became a big challenge for him. "It's hard to breathe and concentrate with a mask on," he said. The football player noted that this situation demanded maximum concentration and endurance from him.

"It was a real test. It's hard to breathe and concentrate with a mask on your face." - Kylian Mbappe

Returning after an injury

After the injury that Mbappe suffered a few months ago, he went on the field again, but already in new conditions. The mask has become a mandatory attribute, which provides additional protection for a football player. This, however, did not prevent him from showing a high level of play.

Impact on the game

The mask, according to Mbappe, somewhat limits his movements, but he quickly adapted to the new conditions. "I realized that it is necessary to be even more attentive," - said the attacker. His team also supported him during this difficult period, helping him to adapt to the new requirements.

Team support

The French national team, coaching staff and doctors did everything possible to help Mbappe return to the field in better shape. "We worked to ensure maximum comfort and safety for Kilian," said the team's head coach. His support and professionalism helped Mbappe quickly return to the game.

"We worked to ensure maximum comfort and safety for Kilian," - the head coach of the French national team

Future prospects

Mbappe is confident that he will eventually get used to the new playing conditions and be able to return to his best level. "These are only temporary difficulties that I will overcome," he concluded. Currently, his main goal is to help his team win new victories and achieve high results in the international arena.

"These are only temporary difficulties that I will overcome." - Kylian Mbappe

In conclusion, we can say that Kylian Mbappe remains one of the brightest players in modern football, despite all the difficulties and trials that befall him. His willpower and desire to win inspire millions of fans around the world.

Editor: Emilia Morozova