Michael Chandler confirms the fight with Conor McGregor: "No one canceled the fight"

American UFC lightweight Michael Chandler dispelled all doubts about his upcoming fight with Irish superstar Conor McGregor. In his latest interview with The Pivot Podcast, Chandler made it clear that their match will go ahead as planned, despite the numerous rumors.

"The fight is strong. Yes, many people are speculating on this topic now, but no one has canceled the fight. We will fight on June 29," the fighter said.

Why is this fight important?

This fight will be part of the UFC 303 tournament and will take place on the night of June 30. This is not just an ordinary battle. This is a meeting of two legends who have something to prove both to themselves and to their fans. Conor McGregor, who has not appeared in the octagon for a long time, wants to return to the top, and Chandler - to strengthen his place among the elite.

Speculations and substitutions

Previously, there were reports in the media that another former UFC champion is ready to replace McGregor in the fight with Chandler. This caused a wave of discussion among fans and experts. However, given Chandler's recent statements, all of these speculations can be put to rest.

What to expect from the fight?

The match promises to be spectacular and tense. Both fighters are known for their aggressive style and prowess in the Octagon. Chandler, who has an impressive track record, is known for his ability to finish fights with knockouts. McGregor, in turn, is famous for his unpredictable style and powerful punches.

Historical context

This fight could become one of the most important in the history of the UFC. McGregor already has the status of a legend, but his return after a long layoff will add to the intrigue. Chandler, on the other hand, is looking to cement his status and prove he deserves a title shot.

Forecasts and expectations

Experts believe that this fight can become a candidate for "Fight of the Year". Both fighters have a lot of experience and skills, which makes their confrontation especially interesting for the audience. Regardless of the outcome, this fight promises to be a highlight in the world of mixed martial arts.

In conclusion, the fight between Michael Chandler and Conor McGregor is an event not to be missed. Fans are looking forward to this meeting, and it promises to be one of the brightest in the history of the UFC.

Editor: Emilia Morozova